If you are a fan of exotic rifles in online games then, I am sure that you have once in your life been swayed by the wonderful rifle destiny 2 polaris lance in nascent dawn quest steps. I am sure that this thought has crossed your mind and in this guide, we are going to tell you how you can get your hands on this wonderful rifle and how it can be all yours.
You can easily get the weapon in the game but, for that, you need to pass every step of the nascent dawn mission and it is not so easy to pass every step as the weapon is very awesome.
How can you get Polaris lance quest?
To get the gun in the game, it is very important to pass all the four steps of the nascent dawn mission. If you read all the instructions that we are going to give here then, you will find it easier to access the rifle.
Quest 1
There are three patrol missions that you need to cross in the first quest and you will get the ability to unlock locations after passing this level.
Quest 2
In this mission, you have to get 25 javelin kills so that you can move forward to the next level.
Quest 3
This level is a little hard and you need to complete all the ten levels of escalation to cross this quest.
Quest 4
The last quest is the hardest and you need to get five kills on this level but all of them should be of precision level.
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